Luxardo Grappa Euganea 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Luxardo Grappa Euganea 750ml

$104.49 price per bottle

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Luxardo Grappa Euganea is made from Cabernet and Merlot picked on and around the Euganean Hills, near Padova in the Veneto region. The grape's stem has been distilled in a traditonal copper dicontinuous still and aged by Luxardo in white ashwood to mellow its taste. Unusual citrus, lavender and stone fruit aromas. A viscous attack leads to a medium-bodied palate with great smoothness. Shows very little burn. Neutral, rounded finish.

ABV: 40.0%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: BHW
Quality Guaranteed

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