Fernet-Branca Amaro 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Fernet-Branca Amaro 750ml

$97.49 price per bottle

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The worlds leading Amaro brand, this gold-medal, award winning spirit contains 27 herbs and spices from 4 continents and still uses the same 175-year-old secret recipe first created by the Branca family in 1845. With almost no sugar, its complex, bitter yet balanced flavor profile reveals notes of mint, ginger, rhubarb and chamomile. A bartenders favorite, Fernet-Branca is the perfect herbal modifier for a variety of classic cocktails such as the Manhattan, Negroni and Collins. A first sip to taste the bitter notes of Colombo, Aloe, and the unmistakable tang of Gentian. A second small sip will reveal the spicy notes of Zedoary and the full-bodied flavor of Chamomile. With the final sip, the liqueur unveils its full repertoire of flavors: the overall effect is bitter, but a delicately spicy aftertaste lingers

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed

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