Cincoro Anejo 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Cincoro Anejo 750ml

$199.49 price per bottle

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With award-winning Cincoro Blanco as its base, Cincoro Anejo is barrel aged for over two years, taking it beyond the fresh agave flavors through toasted oak to a deeper level of woody richness. This enticing copper-colored spirit is an evolving masterpiece of fresh-cut wood, maple, dark chocolate and black pepper. Beautifully complex, it deserves to be sipped simply on its own without ice. Or if cocktails are your thing, keep it classic with an elevated Old Fashioned. Tequila of the Year winner at the 2019 New York International Spirits Competition. For a truly unique offering, Cincoro Anejo 1. 75L arrives in a scaled-up edition of Cincoros one-of-a-kind bottle, suitably presented in a tailor-made gold box.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed

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