Tequila Herradura Ultra Anejo 750ml
$131.98 price per bottle
Tequila Herradura Ultra Anejo is an incomparable cristalino anejo tequila with a supremely smooth finish. The crisp taste of this tequila starts with one of the finest anejos, which undergoes a charcoal filtering process to remove color and enhance smoothness. It features a complex flavor of cooked agave, caramel, honey and toasted almonds. Enjoy Tequila Herradura Ultra neat, on the rocks, or grab this tequila bottle when you want to make alcohol drinks like a Margarita or Paloma cocktail. Crisp yet smooth, this premium tequila liquor is barrel aged in oak barrels, and each bottle of tequila features woody notes and hints of vanilla and caramel with a finish that's beyond smooth. Continuing to set the standard for what's to come. Please Drink Responsibly.
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | IW |