Diplomatico Planas Rum 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Diplomatico Planas Rum 750ml

$87.49 price per bottle

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Diplomatico Planas Rum is an elegant aged white rum with a surprisingly fresh, smooth and complex taste that's ideal for elevating classic rum cocktails. Rich and complex, this white rum features fresh and tropical aromas, like ground coffee and coconut. Fruity flavors with a silky texture lead to a delicate and pronounced finish. Carefully crafted, Diplomatico Planas Rum is aged and then charcoal-filtered to get a clear color while retaining depth of flavor. Named after an area nestled at the foot of the Andes Mountains, it draws its smooth and complex flavor from this privileged land. Planas is a favorite among mixologists who want to elevate the complexity, quality, and flavor profile of their cocktails. Enjoy this aged rum neat, on the rocks, or in sophisticated alcohol drinks like a Daiquiri or Mojito. This rum is perfect for sharing on special occasions and makes an impressive gift for family and friends. Please Drink Responsibly.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW
Quality Guaranteed

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