Empress Elderflower Rose Gin 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Empress Elderflower Rose Gin 750ml

$124.00 price per bottle

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Inspired by their beautiful location in Victoria, British Columbia, Empress Elderflower Rose Gin pays homage to ?The City of Gardens,? where flowers blossom nearly year-round. The fresh, floral botanicals create a delicate spirit with a distinctive all-natural rose hue, adding a touch of their home to your next cocktail creation. Nine beautifully blended botanicals create a delicate spirit with a stunning all-natural rose hue. Empress Elderflower Rose has a rich aroma and a surprisingly understated floral palate. With exquisite citrus and spice notes and a hint of sweetness, Elderflower Rose Gin allows each botanical to shine.

ABV: 42.5%
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: British Columbia
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Quality Guaranteed

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