Patron Extra Anejo 750ml | Bourbon Liquor Store

Patron Extra Anejo 750ml

$159.99 price per bottle

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Patrón Extra Añejo tequila, crafted from Mexico’s highest-quality 100% Weber Blue Agave, is distilled in small batches aged exceptionally to create an extraordinarily rich taste. Extra Añejo is aged in a combination of new and used American, French and Hungarian oak barrels for at least 3 full years, imparting a unique taste of dry fruits, banana, honey and vanilla, together with a light distinctive flavor of agave. Patrón Tequila has always been Additive-Free because of our unwavering commitment to craft, authenticity, and integrity.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: CDT
Quality Guaranteed

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