American Whiskey Tincup Colorado 750ml
$131.99 price per bottle
It meets the technical definition of bourbon but for marketing reasons they are sticking with calling a whiskey. It has a higher rye mash bill and is cut with that Rocky Mountain Whiskey to 84 proof. The mash bill isn't on the website but I have read others that say that it is 64% corn, 32% rye, and 4% malted barley. I have no problem in admitting that this is one of the prettiest whiskey bottles I've seen. I love the art deco look and the tin cup cover that can double as a cup.
ABV: | 42.0% |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | BHW |