Bacardi - Oakheart Spiced Rum 750ml
$98.99 price per bottle
Bacardi OakHeart takes their traditional Bacardi Superior and blends it with Bacardi Gold, giving it the perfect mixability of Superior and the smooth finish of Gold. This gives it the perfect base for them to add their blend of spices which includes maple, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, vanilla and caramel before being filtered. The end product is “slightly peppery, with a noticeable rum-kick, BACARD? OAKHEART is a spirit with a vibrant amber hue and taste that is distinctly its own” and with a nice smokiness lent from the double charred barrels it was mellowed in. Every aspect of BACARDI OAKHEART was developed in collaboration with thousands of consumers and hundreds of bartenders. More than 2,700 names were considered before BACARDI OAKHEART was selected, a process that took more than two years. The BACARDI OAKHEART name draws on the charred oak barrels used to create this premium rum and consumers and bartenders associate the name with strength of character, unwavering loyalty and the kind of friend they'd like to be and have.
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | SW |
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